Trusting in the silence
When God sounds silent, and God feels absent, TRUST his presence.
When going through a time of silence, God is always working behind the scenes. I just don’t know what he’s doing there... but I can trust it is for GOOD because God promises that.
There were 400 years after the last verse in Malachi (the last book of the Old Testament) and the birth of Jesus, the first chapter in Matthew. 400 years it seemed that God was silent. On the contrary, God was busy at work setting the scene, leveraging leaders, and preparing people for the tidal wave of His grace.
In the years 400 BC to 4AD, three major cornerstones were built: Alexander the Great defeated Persia and instilled the Roman empire to reign. He declared a universal language of Koinia Greek - and all people must learn this language. The Romans and their empire and leaders improved the transportation system. All three of these things, a common language, a unified government, an effective transportation system, needed to be in place before the birth of the Savior. These things aided in the spread of the gospel, so that once Jesus had come and died and risen again the world would meet those who walked with the Messiah, and hear the great news from those who spoke a common language. The prophesies were fulfilled.
The promises will always be kept.
When God sounds silent and feels absent, I can trust that His promises won’t go untied.
originally written Oct 11, 2013 and one of the few salvaged from an old blog.
photo by Natalie Watson