Blessed are the grays

Can we disagree and still be friends?

Mama, can we disagree and still be friends?: lesson #35 that I hope to teach my kids, especially my daughter.  (Maybe I’ll list them all one day… if I actually write them down.)

It’s not a myth, or an unattainable attribute that we idealize yet so often flip when we find ourselves in its grasp.  It’s easier to drop.  walk away.  push back.  defend.   conform and agree.  Anything is easier but to listen, stay, and love.

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40 Verses Every Family Should Read Together

- Our family journey through Lent 2016 -

I love communion.  I know some places and people feel they should only take communion from ordained ministers, or only on special occasions, or perhaps weekly on the Sabbath, but I like to take it myself at any time, any place, any day.  It started years ago after reading With Burning Hearts: a meditation on the Eucharistic Life by Henri Nouwen.  I honestly don't remember a word in it, but I do recall it dawning on me that I can break bread with Jesus all by myself any day.

My kids have grown up giving themselves communion sporadically whenever their mama decides to spark interest.  But typically the matzah goes stale and the grape juice is slurped down with after school snacks without being replenished.

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